Friday, August 24, 2012

Oh how I've changed. I look back at my former self with a sense of nostalgia similar to an old friend. My metamorphosis has yielded something unimaginable and as I think about this blog and even the short amount of time one year presents, my last entries were calling to a different me, an alternate version of Brittany. Strange, I guess the only reason why I have decided to post something after a seemingly long hiatus was for my own closure. I'm different, and that's okay. This blog really serves no more purpose for me save for the very rare, once in a blue moon posts. I can't come to terms with deleting this. It would mean terminating memories and ultimately destroying my past life in vanity.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


More music. Less socially constructed 'scene' barriers.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I miss my home away from home. Both family and friends.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


How the hell does someone stop thinking about someone else successfully? I'd like to know the secret because I'm tired of these senseless brainwaves.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Slander, Love, and Insecurity

Words can mean everything and nothing all in the same moment. I guess it truly depends on who is speaking and who is listening. What we say tends to affect people and sometimes it can be rather profound. I suppose the worst feeling is knowing your words fall on deaf ears, but then again if your words are nothing but emptiness, that's a bad feeling too.

I'm growing more and more cautious with my words around certain individuals. Once spoken, you can never take them back. All you can do is backpedal while trying to make up for whatever hurt you've caused. For the people who speak their mind it's both refreshing and exhausting given the circumstances. Sometimes a filter keeps the word vomit from spewing everywhere and unfortunately not everybody understands when to turn on said filter.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things Are Good

A man is most attractive when he is emotionally vulnerable with a woman. On the reversal, a woman is most attractive when she embraces and affirms said vulnerability with a man. I recently discovered this powerful epiphany. 

Honesty trumps artificiality, always. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I think it's time I start writing again...